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March 4, 2025

Precision Vision ETDRS® Illuminator Cabinet Guide for Clinical Trials and Vision Research

  February 27, 2025 Precision Vision’s ETDRS® Illuminator Cabinet – The international gold standard for clinical trials and vision research ...

May, 2020 – AMD & Vision Rehabilitation


Vision Rehabilitation is Part of AMD Care

– Dr. August Colenbrander

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) does not just affect the retina. It severely affects people’s lives. Paying attention to this aspect will only become more important as the population ages and more otherwise healthy individuals become affected. This paper will discuss the need for teamwork to overcome the difference between medical care, which addresses the causes of AMD, and rehabilitative care, which addresses the consequences. Different aspects and different degrees of vision loss ask for different interventions. … Loss of contrast vision is an aspect that is not sufficiently studied. It is important for early detection, and for the safety of the patient.


The Colenbrander Mixed Contrast Visual Acuity Chart pictured above and mentioned in this month’s EyeOnVision article is available in multiple languages and is exclusively manufactured by Precision Vision. Precision Vision is consistently chosen to work with the leading authorities and researchers engaged in advancing eye care in the vision testing industry. Our business is – and will continue to be – producing the highest quality vision testing tools with unparalleled customer support. Click below to browse through the world-wide Precision Vision exclusive manufactured gold standard products.


Each issue we will take a look at some of the most frequently asked questions that we receive and feature a Q & A below!

Q: Can you tell me which measurement of visual function is most likely affected by AMD?

A: Precision Vision, Inc’s team posted this question to our trusted friend and maven, Dr. August Colenbrander. Below is his response:
“I assume that the motivation behind this question is the desire to detect early stages of AMD as effectively as possible, before the patient is recognized as a known case of AMD. Early detection is desirable, because early treatments are generally more effective. The answer to the early detection question is that there is no single parameter that will always be most effective. I will discuss several options.”