Ohio State University Newborn Contrast Cards

The OSU Newborn Contrast Cards is a card-based test designed for use on infants under 6 weeks of corrected age (or under 46 weeks of gestational age). The test consists of 8 cards, each containing a visual contrast.





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OSU Newborn Contrast Cards Set of 8 Contrast Cards including:

12.5 Michelson Contrast
17Michelson Contrast
17.5 Michelson Contrast
25 Michelson Contrast
35.5 Michelson Contrast
50 Michelson Contrast
71 Michelson Contrast
88 Michelson Contrast

Brown AM, Opoku FO, Stenger MR. 2018. Neonatal Contrast Sensitivity and Visual Acuity: Basic Psychophysics. Transl Vis Sci Technol 7: 18

Brown AM, Yamamoto M. 1986. Visual acuity in newborn and preterm infants measured with grating acuity cards. American journal of ophthalmology 102: 245-53


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