The BAL chart is the first, standardized continuous text near visual acuity chart in Arabic. It was designed based on the accepted design criteria for reading acuity charts.
The BAL reading charts are Arabic continuous text reading acuity charts for patients with normal and low vision.
Optotypes are figures or letters of different sizes used in testing the acuity of vision
Optotypes are figures or letters of different sizes used in testing the acuity of vision
The BAL charts allow the assessment of:
They may also be used in research settings where reading performance needs to be assessed. For valid results, it is important that all such assessments be conducted in a person’s native language.
The BAL Charts were developed at the School of Optometry and Vision Science, University of Waterloo, by: Dr. Balsam Alabdulkader and Dr. Susan Leat
The BAL charts are manufactured and distributed exclusively by Precision Vision Inc.
The following research document references are available for full review by clicking the links below: